Monday, August 27, 2012

Excuse Me While I Cry Into My Ice Cream!

Well this post was originally going to be all about my 4 year old, but just a few minutes ago my 18 month old went into the bathroom and said, " I pay pay (pee pee)" and set down on his potty and peed right away! Where the heck has the last 18 months gone?
Better yet, where has the last 4 years gone? Tomorrow my 4 year old starts preschool! He has mastered his ABC's, can count to 20 (he misses one number but all well), knows all his colors, knows all his shapes, and can almost write his name (he can copy it). He has even mastered buttoning his own pants, and putting on his seat belt (that makes my life so much easier.)

I can remember my long 19 hours of labor and long c-section recovery with him perfectly. I was 2 days overdue and decided one night I would just "dance him out." So I did...literally...I danced and danced and shortly after midnight at 12:33 after laying down my water broke.  First thought, "Matt's gonna be happy I just peed all over the bed."  Apparently I was a newbie, but  it dawned on me quickly my water broke, and I jumped outta bed and screamed at Matt! He was a newbie to because he asked me, "What do you wanna do?" Oh I don't know babe, lets play cards..... Um HELLO! GO TO THE HOSPITAL....... Right after I panic, hyperventilate and almost hurl.... K, Lets roll!

I do not know why I was in such a hurry because apparently Ashton was not!  Because after 19 LONG hours of labor I only made it to a whopping 4 centimeters. At this point I was begging for them to get him out! So finally, on June 6th 2008 they wheeled a mini elephant (me) into the surgery room and at 7:06 p.m. Ashton James was born at 9 pounds 9 oz. 20 1/4 inches long. Um, thanks for the c-section doc!!
Proudest Dad in the world!
At that moment my whole 19 year old world changed! Now here my husband and I are 4 years later with not one but 2 beautiful boys. So much has happened in this past four years, getting married (after a 2 year engagement), having our second bundle of joy Easton Samuel, buying our second home, starting my blog, getting ready to graduate college, and now another first born heads off to school!
He still has this attitude.
So excuse me while I go cry into my ice cream.... My babies are growing up on me to fast! I am not ready for this... :(

Thanks for letting be babble on...I'm going to get my ice cream now....
Then and Now.


Melody said...

Awww! My first baby is now TEN, middle child just started Kindergarten today, and my BABY is THREE! Time flies! :(

Tara said...

It does go by so fast! My oldest is 13, my middle is 9 & my "baby" is 4 :( They keep getting older but I'm gonna not age! :)

Sarah Welte said...

My oldest just started kindergarten this is amazing how quickly it goes....yet I am counting the days for the next kids to be in school too (Keeley has 3 years and 5 years for the twins!).

I pay pay on the potty at 18 months is a-mazing!! :D

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah! We been working really hard with him! =]

Amanda said...

It's bittersweet how fast they grow. :( My baby just turned 1 and I don't know where the year went.

HB the Cupcake Princess said...

You had me cracking up! My first (who I lost at 20 weeks) would be 19, bubba is 11 and my youngest would be (OMG)7! Time flies momma!

Jacqui Odell said...

I remember my son's first day. It's a proud and hard day for us mommies!

Audra said...

Aw sweetie! I feel your pain! Go ahead and cry over your ice cream, you deserve it! When you're done, go and have another bowl!

Slap Dash Mom said...

Very handsome. :) I can't believe how fast time flies. My oldest is 11, and my youngest is turning 6 tomorrow. :(

Becky W said...

I totally understand where you are coming from. My "baby" will start her junior year a week from today. My middle child (son) just graduated high school and my oldest son is in the USMC and is 21. Time flies for sure.

Unknown said...

Becky please tell your son thank you! =] God Bless! =]