Sunday, January 1, 2012

Operation Bye Bye Chubby Girl

As so many people do every year I made a resolution to lose weight.... Even more specific get down to my prepregnancy weight before my first born! So operation bye bye chubby girl fell underway. It is VERY hard for me to go public with my weight but in doing so I hope to inspire others and not only that but keep myself motivated as I share my journey. I have to succeed, not only to look better but in order to get my health back on track and my life. Failure is not an option this least I hope not....

Let me give you a little back round on my self. For starters I am only 22 and let me tell you being 22 and obese hurts...bad. In high school I was the cheerleader and gymnast. Built “like a brick shit house", as my grandmother always said. At my heaviest I weighed around 135 (and to think I thought I was fat then).....far from my wopping 213....... but at age 18 my battle with weight loss began. At age 18 my now husband and I became pregnant with out first born and I gained over 60 pounds!!! As result I ballooned to 216 pounds, and my weight lose battle begun. I managed to lose some and got down to 186 lbs... but still had a loooonnnggg way to go... Soon excersise and eating healthy became a thing of the past... I felt horrible... I looked horrible...I began to let myself go...I think that is where my depression began...I quit caring....My husband said he still loved me and I was still "hot" to him so the hell with make-up, cute clothes, and excersise...Bring on the sweats and chocolate...but was I really happy? Not AT ALL! I quit weighing my self and avoided mirrors as much as possible...How on earth could my husband stand to look at this body when I could not? Who wanted a wife with stretch marks and jello? (I now think of those stretch marks as story lines to a beautiful preganacy and birth of my son, and I have become more comfortable with them.) But I was not comfortable with the rest..not at all...As the next 2 years went on my weight went up and down up and down from 169 - 193 lbs.... After 2 years I became pregnant with my second son... The worst of my weight gain was about to begin... With this pregnancy I gained ANOTHER 30 lbs and ended at 216 lbs. I was determined to lose it! Well so I thought... I left the hospital and imediatly began a diet, a unhealthy diet, I became tired, drained, and depressed. I managed to lose 30 lbs. but still was not happy and the process began alllll over again.. I started to eat because I was depressed and the cycle started all over.... I gained and gained... So around Dec. I decided 2012 would be the year... The year I get my life under control....I had health was now in danger...and my realtionships with everyone around me. So here I am my weight lose journey begins at 213 lbs. (Just 3 pounds less that my weight at the birth of my second son.... How depressing.)

So what is my goal? First off I want to reach my goal weight of 135.. To be able to fit in all those jeans hid in the back of my closet...and to inspire someone to do the same, but then there are all the small things like... my husband being able to pick my up again and swing my sit on his lap without the fear of breaking his leg keep up with my not be out of breath walking up stairs... to feel good in my own not feel the need to cover my self up all the time...and so many other small things that the skinny girl inside me misses.

Soooo Week 1:

Starting Weight- 213.4 lbs.

Tummy- 45 1/2 in.

Thighs- 26 in.

Hips/Butt- 49 1/2 in.

Arms- 14 in.

And so it begins..... Main goals today are LOTS of water and to figure out a excersise routine, that fits my life style (two kids). I am considering Just Dance 3 ( break a sweat dances ) for Wii... or Dancing With The Stars Cardio Workout ( found at WalMart for just $9.) I also am using a Green Tea Supplement to detox.

Motivational picture above...Now am I super skinny here, with a rockin bod?  NO! But was I happy in my own skin and healthy? YES! And THAT is all I ask for!! So here is to getting back to THAT. 

Today when I get hungry I plan to snack on pretzels ( just 23 calories for 14) or string cheese (Just 80 for a stick), fruits or veggies. Fiber bar or oatmeal for breakfast, something FILLING! Smart Ones or Lean Cuisines for lunch, and a  small portioned supper. Have a salty craving? Pretzels.  Have a sweet craving? Apples and FAT FREE caramel. =] That is the plan...and I am sticking to it.

To be continued......


David said...

I'm so very proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story. I've always had my weight issues, as well. I've decided to try to do the same thing. Get back to where I was before 4 years ago, before have 2 work accidents and hurting my back and knees. I gained over 55 pounds in these few years. It also doesn't help that i'm a stress eater. Include into that equation that I do a lot of private eating (not in front of everyone), so it looks like I'm having a "normal" sized meal in front of people. So, I do understand...and I'm behind your 100%!! xoxo Happy New Years to my blogging buddy!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much David.. and I will behind you the whole way too!! We can talk anytime...I am the same way..minus the injuries...add a couple babies and bam over 70 pounds in 5 years....makes me sick...I will be posting old pics of myself for motivation for myself! =]good luck and much love blogging buddy!!!

Moola Saving mom said...

I have to say Wii Just Dance helped me drop a BUNCH of weight- down 6 sizes. I love it because my kids can dance with me! We have dance parties! Such fun. Good luck on your journey!

Anonymous said...

I so want to congratulate you, as I am in the same boat, the difference is I am 53, 5"1 and overweight, I was a little overweight until 3 years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer, I thought I was stong and had it all under control, but my eating habits started to get bad when we were traveling back & forth to treatments which were 5 hours one way. Long story short she lost her battle within a year and has been gone 2 years Dec.28th. I have been waiting for someone who would like to do something like this but my firneds keep saying they don't have time. I will be using the Wii Summertime Dance. I would love to stay in toch with you both and keep this going. Good luck to you both. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please keep me apprised of your progress and I will do the same, I wqrote the previos blog, but ti wouldn;t let me leave my name or e-mail. My name is Karen I am at: and on facebook.

Unknown said...

Karen I will keep you posted I may be publishing a website tommorow where readers can follow my progress and share their stories... I want people to know I am just your average person... No expert... If I can do it so can they... :) and please know I will keep you in my prayers...may god give you strength that you need... I am truly sorry foryour lose. I really am but you CAN do this.