Okay a few ways to make money with your blog........
First off: Get Google Adsense. It is a website used by many bloggers that allows you to place ads related to your blog on your blog and get paid for it! Every time someone clicks on a ad they pay you! FYI: DO NOT tell people to click on them just put them on your blog and leave them alone! They will send you a check once a month. Easy Money!
Second Way: Is affiliated networking site related to your blog. I use Escalate Network because it is related to couponing, but find one related to yours. An affiliated network is a program that gives you LEGIT offers, ads, articles, and more to offer to your fans and followers. Every time a fan clicks on one or signs up for one you get paid!! I make most my money through this! Research them and check out other blogs similar to yours to see what they use! Both of these programs ask for your SS#, it is for tax purposes.
Third Way: Once you have built a good fan base and followers start offering advertising on you blog! Depending on how many views and fans you have will determine how much you charge. For example I charge $10 per month for a 250 x 250 ad space. Make a pay pal account for yourself so people can pay you through that and you can keep track of earnings and such for good ol' tax season!
Lastly, may I suggest you get a Facebook Page and/or Twitter dedicated to your blog! It will get you noticed faster and give your fans a way to easily link up to your blog. The good thing with a blog is there is always room to grow! The more fans and followers you get the more money you make!! =]
If you have any questions please email me or check out my blog for ideas! And if you need advertising check out our cheap packages!
Most important stick with it, and get your name out there! It is not ALOT of money at first but stick with it and you can make a killing and a real name for your blog! Good Luck!